How to keep our lakes and rivers clean

At Home

  • Storm DrainNever dump used motor oil, paint or household chemicals on the ground or in a storm drain.
  • Don't pour household chemicals down the sink or flush them down the toilet.
  • Use non-toxic alternatives to home cleaning chemicals.
  • Don't buy more of a household cleaner or other chemical than you need for the job.
  • Read and follow directions on the use of household chemicals and disposal of containers.
  • Sweep driveways and patios clean instead hosing them down.
  • Check for leaky faucets and turn off the water when brushing teeth to conserve water.
  • Pre-cycle. Buy products with less packaging and keep your recycling and refuse bucket lids closed.
  • Pick up pet waste and put it in the garbage can or flush it down the toilet.

In Your Yard

  • Preserve established trees in your yard and neighborhood.
  • Don't overuse fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Plant trees, shrubs and ground covers that filter pollutants and reduce stormwater runoff.
  • Don't cut your grass too short. Adjust your lawnmower to the proper height to reduce runoff from lawns, and evaporation before infiltration.
  • Plant native vegetation and choose plants that require little or no fertilizer.
  • When you water your plants and lawn, make sure water doesn't wash over streets and sidewalks.
  • Recycle yard debris, or use it to make compost, instead of raking it into streets where it can wash into storm sewers.
  • Use compost or mulch to hold moisture in the soil and control weeds.

Your Car

  • Drive your car less to reduce automotive fluid leaks on roadways.
  • Got drips? Use kitty litter or other absorbent material to pick up drips before rain washes them into the storm drain and river.
  • Recycle used motor oil at appropriate business locations for hazardous waste pick ups.
  • When you wash your car, park it on the grass instead of on the street or driveway.

Your Boat

  • Don't dump trash or sewage from your boat.
  • Watch for fuel spills when you fill your tank.
  • Use soap without phosphate to wash your boat.
  • Use steel sinkers or washers instead of lead sinkers when you go fishing.
  • Clean, Drain, and Dry… don’t be a transporter of invasive aquatic species.

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