The only varieties listed here are those considered shrub-like due to their size (less than 10 ft.). This group of plants really require a more humid environment than our area can provide for best performance. The foliage burns when exposed to cold, dry winter winds and takes on a yellowish tone if not fertilized yearly. Plant in full sun, well-drained soil with added compost, water twice-a-week.
T.o. ‘Emerald’ – 8-10 ft. tall by 3 ft. wide; this columnar plant retains the darkest green color in winter of any plant of this species
T.o. ‘Globosa’ or ‘Little Gem’ – 4-6 ft. tall by wide; dwarf globe shaped plant usefull in formal settings
T.o. ‘Rheingold’ – 6 ft. tall by 6 ft. wide; pine cone shaped; distinct yellow foliage
T.o. ‘Woodwardii’ – 6 ft. tall by 1.5 ft. wide; slow-growing column; dark green foliage