Panicum virgatum (Switch Grass)

Switch Grass — This tall, upright grass forms 3 ft. wide clumps that grow up to 3 ft. tall as well. It has flat green leaves tinged with purple, turning yellow in fall and tan in winter. The grass spikelets (produced in September) weep slightly and are a purple-green in color. Grow this grass in full sun, well-drained soil and water 1-2 times per week. Divide clumps every 3 years in May. This plant is not bothered by rabbits, squirrels nor deer. (Plant 36 in. on center)

Category:  Groundcovers
Water Use:  Low
Sun Exposure:  Full Sun
Native:  No
Bees:  No
Birds:  Yes
Butterflies:  No
Cut Flower:  No
Utility Tree:  No
Extra Maintenance:  No
Fall Color:  No