TMWA is seeking customers who are interested in volunteering to serve on the Standing Advisory Committee (SAC) to fill the multi-family, senior citizen, and residential representative customer class vacancies. The SAC is responsible for reviewing budgets, rate proposals, and other matters as directed by the TMWA Board of Directors. Representatives are appointed by the Board for a two-year term and meet monthly at TMWA offices or virtually.
Applicants must be a TMWA customer who represents the multi-family customer class (either as an owner of at least one multi-family complex or as a tenant whose name is on the TMWA account as customer), senior customers (preferably over the age of 55), and residential customers. Letters of interest must be kept to no more than one-page and submitted by March 31, 2021 via mail or email. The information required includes: the applicant’s name, address (pertaining to the TMWA customer class), phone number, name of customer class, and explanation of your interest in serving on the committee and any relevant experience you may have.
Please mail applications to: Sonia Folsom, Truckee Meadows Water Authority, PO Box 30013, Reno, NV 89520, or email with the subject line: Standing Advisory Committee Vacancy. Please contact Sonia Folsom at 834-8002 with any questions you may have.