Spring Creek Well 10 Project FAQs

Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA) is replacing an old well (Donovan Well) with a new one (Spring Creek 10) in north Spanish Springs. Below you will find a list of Frequently Asked Questions and answers related to this project.

Dr. Greg Pohll, TMWA's Principal Hydrogeology Modeler, provides an overview of Spanish Springs Valley hydrogeology at the July 10 open house held at Alyce Taylor Elementary School.

Dr. Greg Pohll, TMWA's Principal Hydrogeology Modeler, provides an overview of Spanish Springs Valley Hydrogeology at the July 10 open house held at Alyce Taylor Elementary School.

There will be multiple opportunities for the public to provide comment.

  • Special Use Permit: Public Meeting (June 12) - The primary purpose of this meeting was to discuss the Special Use Permit required by Washoe County to build the well house. TMWA staff was on hand to answer questions. The TMWA application for the Special Use Permit for construction of the well facilities has been postponed until August 8 and, barring delays, would be scheduled for a Board of Adjustment review on October 3.
  • Domestic Well Questions: Public "Open House" (July 10) - Due to concerns voiced by domestic well owners, an informational meeting was held on July 10, at Alyce Taylor Elementary School.  Below is a link to the Spanish Springs Valley Hydrogeology Overview presented at that meeting, as well as several other relevant documents. Please return to this webpage for updates.

Please send questions or comments regarding this project to tmwaWells@tmwa.com

Relevant Documents

Spanish Springs Valley Hydrogeology Overview - July 2024
2020 Spanish Springs Valley Model ReportSpanish Springs Valley Model Report
Spanish Springs Valley 2024 Groundwater Model UpdateSpanish Springs Valley 2024 Groundwater Model Update
Depth to Water Domestic Well Near Spring Creek 10Depth to Water Domestic Well Near Spring Creek 10
Spanish Springs Valley Annual PumpingSpanish Springs Valley Annual Pumping

Frequently Asked Questions

This well is being constructed to add additional capacity for meeting the water demands of customers in the area. TMWA uses wells to supplement Truckee River water supplies and maintain water pressure during the summer season, when residential irrigation demands are high.  Also, specifically in Spanish Springs, TMWA has had to turn off other wells due to Nitrate contamination; this well will help restore some of that lost capacity. This well will also contribute to TMWA Aquifer Storage and Recharge (ASR) program. TMWA is equipping this new well to replace the older “Donovan” irrigation well which is not constructed to newer standards.

No; this well is not being built to serve any specific new development.

Short term, during the summer, it is possible that nearby domestic well water levels may be affected by up to 5 feet. Over the long term, TMWA will continue to improve the resilience and sustainability of the water supply in Spanish Springs through a practice known as conjunctive use.

TMWA employs a conjunctive use approach when there is adequate surface water supplied by the Truckee River to allow us to rest many of our production wells. Conjunctive use benefits groundwater aquifers in two ways: passive groundwater recharge and active groundwater recharge. Using this approach, TMWA imports treated surface water from the Truckee River into Spanish Springs throughout the year, which reduces demand on groundwater resources.

Active groundwater recharge, also known as aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) is a practice that TMWA has implemented throughout the Truckee Meadows since 1994 to help sustain groundwater levels. During the winter months, when water demands are low, TMWA injects treated surface water from the river into many of our wells, which supplements the natural recharge process.  By following this practice, TMWA can reliably pump groundwater when it’s needed, while at the same time, manage groundwater sustainably over the long term.

Since TMWA took over the water system from Washoe County in 2015, groundwater pumping in Spanish Springs has been reduced by over 50%. As a result, water levels in the vicinity of the Spring Creek well have risen by over 10 feet. Refer to the following two figures.

Click to View Groundwater Levels Near Spring Creek 10 (2006 – 2024)

Click to View Annual Municipal Pumping Rates In the Spanish Springs Valley (2000 – 2023)

The newly drilled Spring Creek 10 well will be permitted to pump 204 acre-feet (AF) of water annually. TMWA only expects to pump 110 AF annually.

Yes.  TMWA will equip this well for ASR.


Please send questions or comments regarding this project to tmwaWells@tmwa.com