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1355 Capital Blvd.
Reno, NV 89502 United States



TMWA Tours


Winterization Workshop: Preparing Your Irrigation System for the Cold
As the leaves change color and crisp air settles in, it’s time to prepare your sprinklers and drips for winter. This workshop is designed to help equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to properly winterize a residential irrigation system.

What We’ll Cover:

  • Understand why winterizing is crucial and the potential consequences of neglecting it.
  • Familiarize yourself with the key components of your sprinkler system, from the controller to the valves and sprinkler heads.
  • Learn the step-by-step process of safely draining your system, including shutting off valves, purging pipes, and protecting backflow preventers.
  • Learn additional tips for winter protection, like covering exposed components and disconnecting hoses.
  • Know when to tackle winterizing yourself and when to seek professional assistance for complex systems or peace of mind.

Bonus Perks:

  • Live Demo: We’ll put theory into practice by demonstrating the process on a mock-up system.
  • Q&A: No question is too frosty! Our friendly instructor is happy to address any concerns you may have about your specific system.
  • Resource Roundup: Leave with a list of helpful resources and tools to keep your winterizing knowledge sharp and your pipes safe.

Please email rsvp@tmwa.com to reserve your spot.