Pinus mugo (Mugo Pine)
This pine always takes a multi-stemmed shrub form that has great variability in height and spread. It is a slow grower but eventually can reach 15 ft. tall, or you may get a dwarf strain that will stay a contained 4 ft. tall by 4 ft. wide (buyer beware). This pine prefers well-drained soil, full sun, once- a-week watering and monthly feeding during the growing season.
- Category: Shrubs
- Water Use: Low
- Sun Exposure: Full Sun
- Height x Spread: 4-15 ft. x 4 ft.
- Native: No
- Color: N/A
- Bees: No
- Birds: Yes
- Butterflies: No
- Cut Flower: No
- Utility Tree: No
- Extra Maintenance: Yes
- Soil: N/A
- Fall Color: No
- Bloom Time: Spring