One of the first to bloom in the spring, its bright yellow flowers march up the entire stem, calling for an end to winter. Best used in the back of a planter bed as a backdrop for more colorful summer bloomers. Can also be used as a screen, bank cover or trained on espalier. Best performance with full sun, annual fertilization and twice-a-week watering.
F. intermedia grows 7-10 ft. tall by 6-8 ft. wide; arching branches
F. i. Arnold Dwarf 3 ft. tall by 6 ft. wide; less flowers than other varieties
F. i. Beatrix Farrand 10 ft. tall by 7 ft. wide; yellow with orange flowers
F. i. Lynwood 6 ft. tall by 6 ft. wide; many
light yellow flowers
F. i. Spring Glory 6 ft. tall by 6 ft.wide;
light yellow flowers
F. suspensa (Weeping Forsythia) 8 ft. tall by 8 ft. wide; roots where stems touch damp soil
F. viridissima (Greenstem Forsythia) 10 ft. tall by 6 ft. wide; deep-green foliage
F. v. Bronxensis (Dwarf Forsythia) grows 18 in. tall by 2 ft. wide; groundcover or edge of border