Spiraea are deciduous shrubs that adapt well to many garden locations, from full sun to partial shade. All prefer well-drained soil, watering once to twice weekly and yearly pruning after flowering. Not bothered by rabbits, squirrels nor deer.
S. x bumalda all varieties of bumalda are 2-4 ft. tall by 4-8 ft. wide; bronze young leaves; dark pink flowers
S. b. Anthony Waterer maroon tinged leaves; dark pink flowers
S. b. Crispa twisted, serrated leaves; pink flowers from June-July
S. b. Froebelii taller (3-4 ft.) with rose red flowers
S. b. Goldflame bronze-red young leaves, turning bright yellow then mid-green, then orange, red and yellow in fall; dark pink flowers
S. b. Limemound very dwarf; lime green foliage; pink flowers; orange-red fall color
S. japonica 4 ft. tall by 4 ft. wide; pinkish red flowers
S. j. Alpina 2 ft. tall by 3 ft. wide; pink flowers in summer
S. j. Little Princess 20 in. tall by 3 ft. wide; rose red flowers
S. j. Shirobana 3 ft. tall by 3 ft. wide; white, pink and red flowers on same plant
S. x vanhouttei 8 ft. tall by 10 ft. wide; large fountain-like branches that curve to the ground; white flowers from April-May