This group of shrubs have showy flowers, many of which are also fragrant. The flowers are followed by clusters of berries that may be yellow, orange, red, blue or black. Grow in full sun to partial shade, in well-drained soil that is amended with organic matter, apply water twice-a-week, fertilize in spring. Useful in a shrub border, along a foundation or as a screen. Not bothered by rabbits, squirrels nor deer.
V. burkwoodii 8 ft. tall by 6 ft. wide; dark green leaves; pink flower buds opening white, fragrant from April-May, turning into red berries that change to black in July-August; some red fall color
V. carlesii (Korean Spice) 4 ft. tall by
4 ft. wide; pink, white flowers from April-May; outstanding fragrance attracts bees; maroon fall color
V. dentatum (Arrowwood Viburnum) 6 ft. tall by 6 ft. wide; multi-stemmed; white flowers; blue-black fruit; yellow-red fall color
V. lantana (Wayfaring Viburnum) 10 ft. tall by 10 ft. wide; white flowers in May (no scent); yellow fruit changes to black in August
V. lentago (Nannyberry Viburnum) 15 ft. tall by 12 ft. wide; white flowers in May (no scent); fruit many colors; red-purple fall colors
V. opulus (European Cranberry Bush) 10 ft. tall by 10 ft. wide; white flowers in May; red berries in September; some reddish fall color
V. o.Roseum (Snowball Bush) 12 ft. tall by 12 ft. wide; white flowers 2-3 inches in size; sterile, with no berries
V. prunifolium (Blackhaw) 12 ft. tall by
12 ft. wide; ivory flowers 4 inches in size
in May; pink berries turning black in September
V. trilobum (American Cranberry Bush)
12 ft. tall by 12 ft. wide; white flowers; edible red fruit; yellow-red fall color