Water Conservation
We live in a high-desert climate with an average annual rainfall of seven inches per year and Lake Tahoe serving as our primary water source. Since water in our region is a precious and limited resource, we encourage responsible water use at all times.
There are lots of easy things you can do to be smart about water both at home and at work. The conservation section of this website provides information on the most efficient ways to use water both inside and out, as well as providing information on leak detection and repairs. There are tips and links to plans and publications that will help you identify and address common areas of waste and inefficiency.
We take our role as steward of the region's water resources seriously. Whether through our commitment to sustainability of ground and surface water, or as a result of regulation, TMWA's focus is to promote the wise and efficient use of water.
What is Water Conservation?
Water conservation is a cost-effective and environmentally-sound way to reduce our demand for water. It includes practices, techniques and technologies that improve the efficiency of our water use, both indoors and out.
Why is Responsible Water Use so Important?
When customers use water responsibly, TMWA can delay costly investments in the facilities required to treat and distribute water to the community. Plus, you will enjoy a lower water bill while knowing you're doing your part to protect the environmental health of the river system for fish and wildlife.
Saving water also saves energy!
Energy is used to treat and pump water through the distribution system to the homes and businesses in our community.
Less water used means less wastewater to process at our water reclamation facilities.
Since energy is required to run your water heater and other water-using appliances, you can save money on both your power and water bills by using less water.

Become Your Own On-Site Water Manager
The best way to manage water use at your home or business is to study how much water is being used on your site and where. To do this, check the graph on your bill to review a history of your past usage. If you feel your usage is higher than it should be, perform a leak test. If your system is determined to be free of leaks, check our quick check list on indoor/outdoor water use for tips on reducing your usage.
Assigned Watering Days
Whether it’s raining in June or dry in December, Truckee Meadows Water Authority always values responsible water use. This means watering according to the day’s weather conditions, watering only what your yard needs and avoiding waste. Although we can’t help the weather, we can help you learn how to water your yard more efficiently.
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Follow these steps from start to finish for a whole new landscape, or simply pick a step to implement into your existing landscape one at a time.
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