A deciduous tree best grown in dry or native zones, and watered deeply and infrequently. When watered regularly, it puts on large amounts of dense, weak, thorny branches which tend to break easily in high winds or heavy snow. Best when planted in full sun, dry, well-drained soil and watered deeply once every 10-14 days. Not temperature sensitive or disease prone. Doesn’t need protection.
- R. ambigua Idahoensis (Idaho Locust) 40 ft. tall by 30 ft. wide; pink flowers in June; litter
- R. pseudoacacia (Black Locust) 75 ft. tall by 40 ft. wide; fragrant white flowers in June; litter
- R. p. Frisia (Frisia Locust) 40 ft. tall by 25 ft. wide; yellow foliage; new wood red, orange, yellow in fall; thorns
- R. p. Umbraculifera (Globe Locust) 20 ft. tall by 20 ft. wide; no flowers; round formal shape; dense