Advanced Meter Installation – What you Need to Know
In the months to come, TMWA will begin the three-year process of systematically upgrading all meters across our service area. Usually we provide customers advanced notice 48-72 hours before the installation but because of supply-chain issues, we will not always be able to do this. Fortunately, there is nothing that customers need to do, and they do not need to be home during meter replacement.
Details regarding installations:
- Meter replacements will be between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. during weekdays.
- Non-emergency replacements will not be installed on weekends or holidays.
- During the installation, water will be turned off for 10-15 minutes.
- A technician will knock on your door before replacement begins.
When you turn your water on after meter replacement:
- Air in the line and cloudy water may occur. This is normal. If it does, please run cold water from your faucet until it is clear.
- If the water is not clear after 15-20 minutes, please call customer service at
Important note: If you happen to leave your home during installation hours (weekdays, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.), please, to the extent possible, ensure water is not running and will remain off. This includes timed systems such as dishwashers, clothes washers, steam driers, or sprinklers. Water service cannot be restored if water is running during meter replacement.
Overall, meter replacements are routine and most happen without issue. If your water service is interrupted, please call customer service at 775-834-8080.
Once the new water meter has been installed, you will be able to use your TMWA online account to see your water usage in more detail than we've ever been able to provide in the past. We hope this information helps you get the most from the water service we provide.