There are 400-600 varieties of crabapples being grown across the country today. It provides a reliable display of flowers in the spring and the fruits can be quite showy well into winter. Flowers may be in shades of red, pink or white, usually in April or May. Foliage may be green or purple, and many varieties color nicely in fall. Fruits vary from 1/8 in. to 2 in., and may be yellow, red or orange in color. Choose a variety resistant to fireblight and scab to reduce your potential for annual maintenance. Light pruning for shape is recommended when young. Grow in full sun and well-drained soil. This plant is a valuable food source for birds, squirrels, rabbits and deer. Deciduous tree that grows well in full sun and along streets. Not temperature sensitive. Deep water every 10-14 days. Not prone to diseases and doesn’t need protection.
- M. Candied Apple 15 ft. tall by 15 ft. wide; green leaves; purple-pink flowers;1/2 in. red fruit
- M. Indian Summer 20 ft. tall by 20 ft. wide; bronze-green leaves; rose red flowers; red 5/8 in. fruit
- M. Pink Princess 8 ft. tall by 12 ft. wide; leaves purple turning green; pink flowers; 1/4 in. red fruit
- M. Prairifire 20 ft. tall by 20 ft. wide; red leaves; pink-red flowers; 1/2 in. red fruit
- M. Prof. Sprenger 20 ft. tall by 20 ft. wide; green leaves; white flowers; 1/2 in. orange-red fruit
- M. Robinson 25 ft. tall by 25 ft. wide; leaves red turning green; deep pink flowers; 3/8 in. dark red fruit; persistent
- M. Sargentii 10 ft. tall by 15 ft. wide; green leaves; white fragrant flowers; 1/4 in. dark red fruit
- M. White Cascade 15 ft. tall by 15 ft. wide; weeping; green leaves; white flowers; 3/8 in. yellow fruit
- M. Zumi calocarpa 20 ft. tall by 24 ft. wide; green leaves; pink fragrant flowers; 3/8 in. red fruit
- M. Spring Snow Typically fruitless which is unusual for a crabapple. Flowers are very showy and start off light pink turning creamy white. Crown shape is symmetrical, oval, and upright which makes this tree a good choice for narrow areas. Grows to 20 to 25 feet tall.
- M. Snowdrift Fragrant white flowers with dark green, glossy leaves. Small orange-red fruit attracts birds. Fruit can also be used to make jams or jellies. Upright spreading growth habit requires little pruning. Grows to 15 feet tall.