This group of plants are known for their drought tolerance and ability to thrive in poor soils (except soggy). The suckering tendency of their roots makes them very useful on slopes. All varieties have dark green foliage that turns bright red in fall. Plant in full sun to partial shade, well-drained soil and water once-a-week.
R. aromatica (Fragrant Sumac) 5 ft. by 8 ft.; leaves fragrant when crushed; yellow flowers
R. a. Lowgrow 2 ft. tall by 5 ft. wide; yellow flowers; useful on slopes and for erosion control
R. glabra (Smooth Sumac) 10 ft. tall by 8 ft. wide; red fruit in fall
R. g. Laciniata 4 ft. tall by 4 ft. wide;
fernlike leaves
R. trilobata (Skunkbush) 4 ft. tall by 6 ft. wide; leaves have skunk-like odor when bruised; yellow flowers
R. typhina (Staghorn Sumac) 20 ft. tall by 20 ft. wide; branches have a felty feel; red fruit in fall