New Business Process
New Business Application Requirements
New applicants must submit a New Business Application (updated April 2024) to a Project Coordinator (PC). Appointments are encouraged because PC’s may have other appointments. Walk-in appointments may be required to wait for a PC to become available. The PC assigned to an applicant’s project will be the applicant’s point of contact and is responsible for facilitating their application. Submittal requirements for each type of service installation are listed on page three of the application, together with the initial submittal review fees.
All submittal items will be digital submissions using OneDrive. To have a OneDrive folder created for a new project contact New Construction and a TMWA Project Coordinator will begin the process.
- New Business Application (updated January 2025)
- Instructions for Developer Document Submissions
- NVBPELS – Sealing and Signing Guide
- New Business Tips & Tricks Guide
- Project Status – see the status of existing projects
Request Pre-Application Meeting
Water Utility Designs
Water Utility designs (W-1’s) on TMWA Drawing title block are required as part of the submittal package. Title block templates are linked below. Once all the necessary items are submitted the project will be reviewed by Natural Resources, Engineering and Lands simultaneously on the applicant’s project. Partial submittals will be returned. Other helpful external links that may assist new applicants in obtaining additional permits:
Engineering & Natural Resources
The Engineering and Natural Resource review is a multi-level process. The extent of review by each is dependent on the type of service requested.
Applicant’s water rights may need to be dedicated. Associated costs may include, but are not limited to:
- Purchase of water rights
- Water Resource Sustainability Fund
- Will-serve documentation preparation fees
The initial water utility design will be reviewed, with red-lines being returned to an applicant’s engineer for revision.
After the revisions are completed and subsequently reviewed, the project’s approved water utility design drawings will be approved by TMWA Engineering and a Water Service Agreement (WSA) will be issued to the applicant. In some cases Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) Compliance will be submitted to the Health Authority for review and approval prior to TMWA Engineering approval. Once all approvals are obtained a WSA will be issued.
Once the WSA is executed, addresses provided, fees paid and water rights and right-of-way satisfied, a pre-construction meeting may be scheduled.
Schedule Your Meeting
Pre-construction meetings are required for all projects. An applicant’s assigned TMWA PC will schedule, facilitate and conduct the pre-construction meeting. Attendees should include the applicant, the applicant's engineer, a Nevada State Contractors Board licensed contractor (General A or A-19), the TMWA PC, Inspector, Engineer, and Backflow Administrator.
Contact Us →
Construction & Inspection
Applicants must contact TMWA’s PC 48 hours prior to commencement of the water facility construction and provide the work order number (WO #) to schedule a TMWA inspector during the construction of the water facilities. Should inspection take place during a time other than normal business hours, arrangements must be made with the TMWA Inspector.
A TMWA Inspector provides and produces the following:
- Initial inspection
- Punch list of incomplete items or actions required
- Final inspection to ensure completion of punch list items
- Locks out water meter setters
- Accepts facilities
- Upon completion of project, TMWA inspector will return as-builts to the PC
- Conduct new facility quality control (Walk-Through) with TMWA’s Operations Department
Initiating Service
New applicants will continue to be known as the end-use customer until another customer applies for service turn-on with TMWA. To initiate a meter set, please contact the TMWA PC by phone or email, include the project work order number. You can also email New Construction, include the project work order number in the email. When backflow is required please call 775-834-8288. If you have deferred your Water System Facility (WSF) charges as part of a subdivision, contact your PC to make lot payments and initiate meter sets.
Drawing Template & Map Requests
Construction Water
Our Construction Water page offers information to make it simple to fill out an application, understand the construction water rules and rates, and find our construction water site locations.
Go to Construction Water PageRate Schedule
TMWA’s Board of Directors are in charge of setting our water rates. We’ve organized individual rate, fee and other charge schedules to be viewed and printed at your convenience.
View The Complete Rate ScheduleConstruction & Design Standards
At TMWA, we proactively work with all new customers to provide them with the appropriate resources. This process is designed to make sure projects are completed successfully, and on time.
Browse Standards and DetailsAutoCAD Submission Requirements
This page provides a generic list of submission requirements for AutoCAD design files for the Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA). These requirements apply in part to as‐built drawings, record drawings, planning drawings and general design work.
AutoCAD Submission RequirementsTenant Improvements and Water Resource Determinations
All Tenant Improvements require the Tenant Improvement application be filled out, signed and dated, $200 (cash or check only payable to TMWA), a site plan, floor plan and plumbing plan digital or wet stamped and signed. Please email application and plans to TMWA’s Backflow Administrator will require a copy of the most recent Backflow Test on all service connections. For more information on backflow requirements please click here Backflow Prevention . Prior to issuing any Water Rights letter all fees must be paid in full and Applicant must comply with applicable backflow requirements.
A Water Resource Determination is a review process to determine the acre-feet of water resources allocated to a service property without a will-serve letter. A will-serve letter is a document that specifies water resources on a service property. A Water Resource Determination Request requires the application be filled out, signed and dated and $200 (cash or check only payable to TMWA). Please email application to
If you have any questions, please call 775-834-8029.
Tenant Improvement and Water Resource DeterminationFee Estimation Calculator
UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Come back soon!
Estimate your water resource requirement and associated costs as well as any Water System Facilities (WSF) charges with our Fee Estimation Calculator.
Demand Calculation Guide
We make it easy to estimate your maximum day water demands with our Demand Calculation Guide.